Age of Mythology:Titans Tournament III - Finals!

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Age of Mythology:Titans Tournament III - Finals!

Unread postby Clown » Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:11 am

Age of Mythology:Titans Tournament III Finals!

Good day, everyone! I'm ecstatic to announce that the FINALS of Age of Mythology:Titans Tournament III are here with the group stage and bracket stage now completed. We are now launching the final match of the knockout phase of the tournament between Armycore and Spoeft.

We are asking the gentlemen to complete a best-of-5 series before July 28th, 2013.

Please be sure to read the rules carefully and please schedule the match through the appropriate forum.

View original signup topic for all details.
The bracket is as follows:

[html] <iframe src="" width="800" height="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>[/html]
Current Prizes
$100 US

6 Month Platinum
6 Month Gold
3 Month Silver
Profile Medals
RTS-S Expert

Donate here if you wish to add towards the current pot.
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Tournament rules

Age of Mythology:Titans Tournament III
1. Tournament Staff
A. The tournament staff will consist of [PK]Chicks, [PK]Clown, [PK]Demonoid and [PK]Jollyman.

4. Game Play
A. All games are expected to be rated and recorded. We expect the victors of each match to then post these recorded games on the tournament section of the PK forum.
B. If a bug is identified or a disconnection occurs in the first two (2) minutes of a game, the match may be restarted if both players agree to do so, not more then once per player/per match. In the event section 4.B is not met, match games are to be reviewed and approved by a member of the tournament staff.
C. If a disconnection occurs later on in the game, the tournament staff may adjudicate and thus award a victory to the player that appeared to be winning. Otherwise, a close game without an obvious winner may be restarted based upon the decision of the tournament staff.
D. Players are not permitted to play the winning civilization twice in a row. This applies to all bracket stage matches only.
E. All games are to be played on random map.

5. Disqualifications
A. If you suspect your opponent has some sort of unfair external advantage (i.e., cheats, hacks, map visibility, trainers, etc.), finish the game and submit it for review with an explanation of why you think the game was unfair. If the tournament staff members find someone to be guilty of cheating, the cheater will be disqualified & auxiliary action may be taken.
B. In the event that hunt deleting is used, disqualification will result.
C. If a player repeatedly disconnects from games, disqualification may be considered.
D. Accounts used in the tournament must be used by one person, is sole owner of the account, and must be the main account of the registrant for proper seeding. Tempering with this decree will result in an immediate disqualification and undeviating removal from PK and correlated sites & events.

6. Prizes
At the conclusion of the tournament, the pot will be divided between the following individuals:
A)1st Place: 70% 6 Month Voobly Platinum, Gold Medal RTS-S Expert
B)2nd Place 20% 6 Month Voobly Gold & Silver Medal
C)3rd Place 10% 3 Month Voobly Silver & Bronze Medal

[PK]Chicks $50 USD
[PK]Eco $30 USD
[PK]Jollyman $20 USD

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